AWinware Screen Capture software is flexible and powerful tool to capture screen shots on Windows based operating system. Software supports screen capturing in 3 modes. First mode captures the current Active Window. Thus user don’t need to press Alt + Print Screen keys simultaneously to capture the image on clipboard. Software allows saving captured images at specified place automatically. It cut the cost of pasting clipboard on Image Editor like MS paint brush. Second mode captures the full screen and the third mode captures only selected rectangle region. Tool allows three options while capturing. First option captures the screen and save it on disk. Second option copies the image on clipboard and does not save it on hard drive. User can Paste It on any image editor like Photoshop. Third option allows saving the captured image on disk as well as on clipboard. Software does not require any extra plug-in to operate it. Software save images as JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF and Bitmap BMP formats.
AWinware Screen capture tool is an affordable utility to instantly make screen shots. Software supports all windows based operating systems including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Software requires .NET framework 2.0 to run. Software provides option to capture any part of screen and facilitates for auto saving on clipboard and disk both, hot keys. User can set his own combinations of shortcut keys; by default press CTRL+Q to capture the screen.
Awinware Software Features:-
1.Supports all popular image formats to process.
2.Does not require any extra plug-ins to be installed.
3.Software supports all latest Windows operating system including Windows XP, Vista and 7.
4.Easy to use and operate.
5.Tool can process bulk images in single click.
6. Software save images as JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF and Bitmap BMP formats.